An interactive map is visible on this page showing a regional view
					of the proposed Tatton Services, located between M56 junctions 7 and 8
					and just off the A556 and A56.
					Dunham Massey Estate is just to the north of the site, and Rostherne
					Mere and Tatton Park to the south. Manchester Airport is due east of the site
					at M56 junctions 5 and 6.

Tatton Services is an 80/20 partnership between the Westmorland Family, an experienced Motorway Service operator of 50 years, and Tatton Group, who manage a portfolio of developments on the Tatton Estate where the site is proposed.

Find out more about the proposals and leave feedback using this interactive website.

The initial consultation is now closed - but comments and suggestions are still welcome.

question_answer  Provide your response

info Look out for pink highlighted text like this - it will indicate interactive features on the map.

Proposed Tatton Services
A road
Tatton Park and Dunham Massey Estates
Manchester Airport

Understanding the Location & working with Stakeholders

An interactive map is visible on this page showing a regional view
					of the proposed Tatton Services, located between M56 junctions 7 and 8
					and just off the A556 and A56.
					Dunham Massey Estate is just to the north of the site, and Rostherne
					Mere and Tatton Park to the south. Manchester Airport is due east of the site
					at M56 junctions 5 and 6.
					The site sits within Green Belt land and the HS2 route to Manchester passes
					just to the south of the M56 and the site.

It is important as part of the planning process that stakeholders are engaged and aware of the proposal, so that any impacts can be understood and where necessary mitigated.

We have been in dialogue with Highways England, High Speed 2 (HS2), Manchester Airport, National Trust, Natural England, and others to ensure compatibility with these landmarks and functions.

Matters for discussion included:

  • access to and from the motorway
  • alignment with HS2 proposals
  • consideration of potential glint and glare from solar panels
  • understanding and minimising potential for bird strikes
  • considering potential impact on Dunham Massey, Tatton Park and Rostherne Mere

We began engaging with local stakeholders, including community and businesses representatives, in August 2020 and have continued this dialogue throughout design development. Further stakeholder meetings, including with the wider public, are taking place throughout July and August 2021.

Proposed Tatton Services
A road
HS2 Phase 2B route and safeguarding
South & Greater Manchester urban areas
Green Belt
Tatton Park and Dunham Massey Estates
Manchester Airport

Understanding the Environment

An interactive map is visible on this page showing a regional view
					of the proposed Tatton Services, located between M56 junctions 7 and 8
					and just off the A556 and A56.
					Dunham Massey Estate is just to the north of the site, and Rostherne
					Mere and Tatton Park to the south. Manchester Airport is due east of the site
					at M56 junctions 5 and 6.
					The many environmental constraints mentioned in the map key below are
					shown on the map. The site only sits over Green Belt land and the Area of
					Special County Value.

As part of identifying and designing the site we recognise, have taken and continue to take into consideration the surrounding environment and important factors such as:

  • Landscape
  • Heritage
  • Ecology
  • Flood Risk

Proposed Tatton Services
LPA boundary
Grade II* listed registered park and garden
Area of Special County Value
Heritage conservation areas
Scheduled monument of Watch Hill Motte and Bailey
Listed building
Green Belt
Sites of biological importance
Rostherne Mere SSSI
Rostherne Mere Ramsar
Yarwoodheath Covert LWS
Flood Zone 2
Flood Zone 3
River Bollin

Access to Tatton Services

An interactive map is visible on this page showing the access routes
					into the site in blue and out of the site in pink.

A principle consideration is how the site is accessed to and from the motorway, so that travellers can conveniently take a break from their journey.

We have worked and provisionally agreed with Highways England that the existing junctions and infrastructure can provide access to the motorway service area (MSA). This avoids any new junctions directly onto the M56. Some modifications will be required for the Bowdon South roundabout and a dedicated A556 south and M56 west exit lane from the MSA.

This diagram shows access is planned to be directly via Bowdon Interchange or southern Bowdon roundabout through to Yarwoodheath Lane, which is a private access road into the MSA.

A shared use footway/cycleway is proposed alongside the new road to provide cycle connectivity between Yarwoodheath Lane and the Bowdon Roundabouts (connecting into Highways England improvement proposals). We are exploring cycle linkages with stakeholders responsible for connectivity to maintain wider linkages through Yardwoodheath Lane.

Planned access into site
Planned access out of site

Understanding the Existing Site

An interactive map is visible on this page showing a sketch of the
					existing site, which consists of a farm house and buildings. There are
					interactive markers on the map which hold more details of the assessments
					we have taken.

To fully understand the site and the likely impact of the proposal, we have a specialist consultant team that have undertaken initial assessments and continue to assess the emerging proposals.

Details of the following key areas can be found by clicking on the relevant markers on the map:

  • Highways
  • Landscape
  • Ecology
  • Heritage
  • Flood Risk
  • Agriculture and Soils, Noise and Air Quality

info Click on the map markers to read more about the assessments we have taken.

Site Layout

An interactive map is visible on this page showing a video of the
					various elements of the site building up from the existing site to the proposed
					site, in sketch form. The 6 stages are listed in detail below.

info Click the map marker to watch the masterplan design build up in fullscreen mode.

It is important that the Masterplan meets both environmental and operational requirements. The site layout was developed in 6 key sequences.

  1. The existing site features were considered. It is proposed that the main Farmhouse and avenue of trees are maintained as part of the Tatton Services scheme.

  2. Appropriate access and circulation routes for different vehicles was determined.

  3. It is proposed the site is moulded to incorporate landscape mounds and planting to shield and enclose the site, as well as ponds to assist with the successful drainage, increase biodiversity and create interest.

  4. Zones, in the form of field enclosures, were then identified providing separate areas to provide parking for each vehicle type, as well as usable outdoor space for visitors.

  5. Three key buildings are proposed: amenity building, fuel barn and hotel.

  6. A pedestrian axis links the elements together.

info Watch the masterplan design build up on the map.

info Click the map marker to watch the masterplan design build up in fullscreen mode.

A New Farmstead

An interactive map is visible on this page showing a sketch of the
					proposed site, with interactive map markers over each of the buildings and
					functional spaces.

The MSA will consist of 3 buildings: a Farmshop and Kitchen (amenity building; comprising toilets, café, farm shop and tourist information), a Fuel Barn (comprising fuel, shop, drive-through and provision for HGV drivers) and a 100 bedroom hotel. They will be linked by a beautiful Kitchen Garden, a space for customers to relax and enjoy.

The height of the MSA buildings will reflect the heights of existing agricultural buildings on site, which will minimise the impact of the proposal from vantage points in the wider area.

info Click on the map markers to read more about the proposed buildings and spaces.

Buildings and spaces information labels

Landscaping, Water Management and Ecology

An interactive map is visible on this page showing a sketch of the
					proposed site, with interactive map markers over areas of interest relating
					to our landscape, water management and ecology strategies.

The proposed landscape strategy aims to integrate the MSA into the wider landscape. Through conserving and enhancing the local landscape character of the Bollin Valley and Cheshire countryside, including the retention of notable landscape features within the site.

Proposals consist of retained trees, hedgerows and open pasture with more significant areas of native woodland planting, wildflower meadow and wetlands. More formal landscape areas are proposed including a kitchen garden, farmyard and orchard.

Sustainable water management and ecological improvements are woven into the landscape approach. The water management proposals include a visible system of rain gardens, streams, open pools and field ditches.

info Click on the map markers to read more about our landscape, water management and ecology strategies.

Landscape information labels
Water Management information labels
Ecology information labels


An interactive map is visible on this page showing a sketch of the
					proposed site, with interactive map markers over areas of interest relating
					to our sustainability strategy.

Sustainability has been a consideration from the outset of the project. A specialist sustainability consultancy has identified a range of ways in which the sustainability of the MSA can be improved to achieve industry leading levels.

There are six key areas:

  • low embodied carbon
  • renewable energy
  • smart mobility and future fuels (Electric Vehicle charging)
  • water management
  • increased local biodiversity
  • reduced waste in operation

This is a time of transformation in the industry with the move from traditional fuels to electric and other future fuels and, hence, Tatton Services has been designed to embrace these changes as they take place over time.

info Click on the map markers to read more about the key areas in our sustainability design.

Sustainability design information labels

Your Thoughts?

An interactive map is visible on this page showing a CGI of the
					proposed site.

Thank you for taking the time to explore the proposed Tatton Services.

We hope that you will take the time to offer your thoughts, via the online form below, anytime up to Monday 23rd August 2021.

The initial consultation is now closed - but comments and suggestions are still welcome.

question_answer   Provide your response here
touch_app   Go back to the start    

What happens next?

The Project Team will read and consider all responses and use them to help shape the proposals for Tatton Services. A planning application will then be submitted to Cheshire East Council.

An interactive map is visible on this page showing a CGI of the
				proposed site.

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